
builders stylist

Do you need an eye for detail and a passion for delivering a unique space? The Design Destination offers a styling service to Builders, Developers and the Hospitality trade industry to present your property in the best possible light for print, photography or website advertising. You provide the interiors, We bring the pretty stuff to help you better showcase your talent by dressing it up to suit the style of the space, tailored to your target market. Same day services, Overnights or packages including hire furniture are all available.  Ask us to pull a team together or we can work in with your existing one to create a seamless styling experience for you. 

We also offer the Building, Commercial and Hospitality trade industry a full range of interior design services via our sister site here. 

sourcing for designers

After many years working in the Design industry we understand the struggle to find unique products for your projects so we can take the hassle out of your jobs by matching your brief with the products you seek. Project Management also available locally for this service. 

product marketing

Do you make amazing things but lack the creative prowess to make them look good enough for advertising? We know how to creatively highlight products to make them more appealing to your target market, Partnering with a local photographer and providing a modelling service as required. Just send us the goods and we will send you the images!

sell your goods at the design destination

We love home made quality products and want to know the story behind why you make the things you do and help you sell more of them. If you are a creative who makes amazing things that you are proud of but lack the ability, time or energy to market them or you just want to sell to a different market get in touch - Send us a sample or make contact via email with links or images and ask us how your product might fit into our design world. With a constant stream of people asking us where to get our unique style from we are always interested in seeing handmade products made with love so while we are selective about who we work with and what we sell if you follow these guidelines we think we will be friends.